8 Common Nursing Bras Mistakes and How To Avoid Them

In our haste to welcome the lil ones and as we mentally prepare to start the breastfeeding journey, it’s time to take a seat back to avoid these common nursing bras mistakes:


1. Choosing a bra by cup size.

It is so common for mummies to choose bras based on cup size. It is not uncommon when women says ‘oh I’m a size C Cup’ and I know because I was one to commit this mistake. It will be worthwhile to point out that cup sizes are not standard , meaning you may be a B with one band size but a C with another size band.

The right way is to actually start by measuring numerical band size by measuring the band size of your ‘Underbust’ and the ‘Overbust’



It might be worthwhile to point out that women’ breasts will continue to fluctuate in size throughout her lifetime, and especially so during pregnancy and post-birth.

For some, their band sizes get smaller and cup sizes bigger after delivery while others say that their boobs maintained the same size from their very last days of the last trimester to after delivery. These projections however differ for every mummy.

It is comforting to know that maternity bras come in a variety of sizes and shapes. A good quality maternity/nursing bras are built for maximum flexibility and comfort as mummy go through the breastfeeding process.

We at Summer & Peach is committed to get the best possible maternity bras for you and your loved ones. 


2. Settling for nursing bra with inferior quality.

Whilst mummies will spare nothing at getting the best quality of baby products for the lil ones, the same can’t be said for themselves (I am for one, guilty as charged).

I remember having to deal with my milk guzzlers every 2-3 hours, daily. The last thing mummies shouldn’t have dealt with is constrictive bras made with inferior quality. I remember those cheaper ones that got really hideous and lost the elasticity after a few washes, which is oh-so-important to cater to fluctuating breasts in-between feeding.  


3. Don’t try to fit into specific “cup-type” of bras immediately post-birth

Let’s face it, our breasts are no longer something that we have control of; at least not when it comes to their 24/7 availability to lil bubs and the ever-fluctuating size. As our breasts is picking up the feeding rhythm and learning to regulate its milk supply, a non-rigid and comfy nursing bra is advisable to cater to your changing body.


4. Buying a bra with extra room in the cup

A lot of mummies commit this grievous mistake, myself included. This has to come with the notion that the extra room in the cup will allow and cater to the change in size in-between feeding.

Such ill-fitting bra does not provide the much needed support. Do however, invest in a comfy nursing bra with stretchy fabric on the top of the cup and the extra hooks at the bank to allow room for the change in size of breasts.  


5. Not Knowing The Type of Nursing Bras to Suit Our Lifestyles

As much as we are hoping for a one-style-fit-all kind of bras, you might wanna consider the different styles to suit your daily lifestyles:

Post-partum Period / Stay-at-home Mum :

We highly recommend a camisole type of nursing bras during confinement. They are just super comfy to wear with and since it sports a tank style and lightly padded, you might just need one piece of (unless you wish to top it up with a cardigan) and skip the nursing bra.


For mummies that are working and pumping for the lil ones at home, getting the right pumping bra really does make wonder and pumping a breeze.



Out and About Mum:

These super comfy wireless lace nursing bras are great with any top. Nurse with ease anytime with the simple detachable clip feature.



6. Not buying the bras in bundles.

Besides maintaining hygiene by changing to clean bra frequently (especially if you do not have additional nursing pads to go with), changing bras ensure bra will not be worn out fast. A bra is going to last you about eight months with the intended elasticity of the band. Once worn out, the band is not stretchy nor elastic enough to provide the support needed. It is thus ideal to have few bras in your wardrobe so you can rotate them, making them last longer.


7. Synthetic Lining on the skin

Breastfeeding can be a ‘sticky’ situation, what with having to feed multiple times, angry milk letdown and even having a sticky, sweaty baby on top of that…ok I get it that you get the picture

You would wanna look for nursing bras that have 100% cotton lining, the part that comes in contact with your skin. You do not need non-cotton lining that retain heat and causes irritation.

8. Wearing a wired bra during rapid breast growth periods.

Wired bras might provide a good support, especially for women with larger breasts but they are not advisable during rapid breast growth periods, especially the first three weeks after giving birth. We would go for non-wired nursing bras or camisole for this period.

Wired bra for this period is not only not comfortable, but putting mummies at a risk of blocked milk duct or mastitis.

Softly wired nursing bra will be great to wear a few months after birth.


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